
Whether you are interested in visiting exquisite gardens in the South East, or fancy exploring some of the most beautiful gardens in Hampstead Garden Suburb, exhibiting flowers or vegetables in our regular shows, gleaning gardening advice from local gardeners, or attending our lectures, workshops and plant sales, membership has much to offer:

  • 10% discount on plants at local garden centres including The Flower Station in Temple Fortune Lane, Finchley Nurseries in Mill Hill, Sunshine Garden Centre (10% discount and special offers ) and for gardening products at Shutlers in Bridge Lane, NW11.
  • FREE quarterly newsletter full of practical advice, tips on gardening in Hampstead Garden Suburb and event news
  • FREE annual handbook detailing all show classes, competition entry guide, events diary for the year etc
  • Privileged entry and reduced price tickets to lectures and workshops
  • Planting and design advice from people who not only have green fingers and a keen eye but have an appreciation for Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust design guidelines (this can impact proposals for sheds, greenhouses, hedging, trees etc)
  • Access to seeds in the Big Seed Swap, as well as regular bulb and plant sales and community manure drop-offs organised at the beginning and end of growing season
  • Special events – reduced price tickets to other events (quiz evenings, Summer parties etc.)

Membership runs from January to January, and costs £10 for individual members, or £15 for household membership. To join, simply ask the Membership Secretary ( for an application form and return it to:

HGS Horticultural Society
Fellowship House
136a Willifield Way
NW11 6YD

Our bank now charges to cash cheques, so while cheques are of course acceptable, if you can use Bank Transfer to join/renew your membership you would be saving the society money to spend on other activities. Please use the following details:

Account name: Hampstead Garden Suburb Horticultural Society HSBC Sort code: 40-07-01 Account No: 21428861.

Cheques payable to: HGS Horticultural Society.

Or you can pay securely by PayPal using almost any credit or debit card
Just complete and submit your details below:

Membership: £10 (Single)       £15 (Double/Family)
First line of address:
£ If you would like to make an additional donation to the society please enter the amount here. Thank you.
 (You will now be taken to the Paypal website where you can pay by either Paypal or credit / debit card)

We look forward to welcoming you at our next event!

David will issue a membership card and send you a copy of the Handbook and the latest Newsletter. It is also possible to join at any of our events.